Farmgate Stockfeed’s customer promises are to deliver a quality product with excellent service and excellent nutritional and technical support. And we will not cut any corners to deliver our promises.
We know the dairy industry intimately – we will always talk your talk and have an intrinsic understanding of what you need to do to keep your business growing and your profitability increasing.

Technical advice
We offer free technical and nutritional advice to our clients, and are more than happy to work in conjunction with your nutritionists or veterinary consultant. Farmgate Stockfeeds’ technical and nutritional team will support your ration choices with the very best advice and constant monitoring of every aspect of your farm’s operation to ensure returns on nutrition are optimised.
As your cows work seven days a week, 24 hours per day, so too does Farmgate Stockfeeds – we can be contacted 24/7 if you have a concern. Dairy production is dependent on many different aspects of farm management, and Farmgate is happy to work in conjunction with your animal health and agronomy practices to keep your profitability improving.

Farmgate Stockfeeds will utilise any feed additive you wish to use. We are dedicated to working with you to develop a solution that is specifically designed to a herd’s needs.

Farmgate Stockfeeds operates a fleet of trucks with many configurations to deliver to you the most appropriate bulk product, whether it’s whole grains, lime, gypsum or fertiliser. We can also provide direct loads of all grains and other bulk commodities at very keen prices. Please contact us for a quote.